健康关键营养元素(四) – 自然界的天然维生素片螺旋藻 Healing Benefits of Spirulina



蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-11-03原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-

English Text is further down.


螺旋藻是所有食物中营养最完整的食物,是自然界的天然维生素片,对于维持身体健康、预防疾病有道不尽的好处,这是因为螺旋藻包含了大量的重要营养元素和抗氧化物,包括复合碳水化合物、铁、维生素A和K、维生素B复合物以及蛋白质等。螺旋藻同时还包含叶绿素、脂肪酸、核酸以及脂质(lipid),同时还富含gamma次亚麻油酸(GLA:gamma linolenic acid),一种在母乳中发现的有助于婴儿健康的复合物。












大约60%的螺旋藻干重是蛋白质,这对细胞的成长和再生成很重要,因此它是肉食、乳制品和蛋白粉的良好替代品。如果你每天吃蛋白粉,夏威夷螺旋藻是最好的蛋白粉,不仅很容易消化吸收,而且其天然成分给予身体最需要的矿物质和营养,是真正的全维生素和蛋白质粉二合一的组合。乳清蛋白粉(whey protein)或者大豆蛋白等都有奶、大豆、味精或者天然香料的成分,这些都是体内病原体最爱的食物,长期食用会让病毒得以大量繁衍,可能引起包括癌症以及各种慢性疾病的问题,请务必避免。更多详细细节,请点击阅读“健康和疗愈需要避免的食物”。























-       帮助疗愈大脑组织并重建中枢神经系统

-       有助于稳定血液中的葡萄糖水平

-       为甲状腺提供关键的微量营养素,并支持内分泌系统

-       不仅能够去除重金属,还能去除肝脏、肠道、大脑、神经系统和甲状腺中的其他毒素

-       帮助新的神经元生长并增强神经传递素

-       含有高水平的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和微量元素铬,可增强肾上腺

-       随着时间的推移可以帮助甲状腺中排出放射性碘,使剩余腺体能以平衡的方式恢复活力

-       含有对抗引起各类甲状腺问题的EB病毒非常有效的碘

-       可以减少结节、肿瘤和囊肿(恶性或良性)的生长

-       阻止肝脏内的病毒和细菌生长

-       增强肝脏的免疫系统,并帮助其超过2,000种的化学功能

-       帮助肝脏的葡萄糖储存和蛋白质转换








Healing Benefits of Spirulina


Spirulina is often deemed the most nutritionally complete of all foods and has countless uses as a supplement for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. This is because it contains a plentiful supply of many important nutrients and antioxidants, including protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins A and K, as well as B complex. It’s also rich in chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic acids, and lipids. Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, a compound found in breast milk that helps develop healthier babies.


Best Source of Beta-Carotene


Spirulina provides a profusion of carotenoids such as best-carotene and yellow xanthophylls. In fact, spirulina is the richest beta-carotene food. The beta-carotene found in spirulina is ten times more concentrated than carrots.




Iron is essential for building a strong internal system, yet it is one of the most common mineral deficiencies (zinc is the most common). Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals and is easier to absorb than iron supplements. Ten grams of spirulina can supply up to 70% of the minimum daily requirements for iron.


Protein Packed


About 60% of spirulina’s dry weight is protein, which in the form it comes in within spirulina, is essential for growth and cell regeneration. It’s a good replacement for fatty meat and dairy products.


Builder of Beneficial Flora


Spirulina suppresses bad bacteria like E. coli and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobactria in the digestive tract to promote healthy digestion and proper bowel function.


Healthy flora is one of the foundations of good health. It increases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the foods we eat and helps protect against infection.




Spirulina has a completely unique composition of phytonutrients, including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help to purge toxins from the body. In 1994, a Russian Patent was awarded for spirulina, deeming it a medical food for reducing allergic reactions from radiation sickness. This was a result of 270 children in Chernobyl consuming five grams a day for 45 days. Radionucleides were lowered by 50% and allergic sensitivities were normalized.


Critical For Removing Toxic Heavy Metals


Spirulina is essential for removing heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, lead, cadmium, and toxic copper from the liver, reproductive system, intestinal tract, thyroid, and brain. Getting rid of these metals gets rid of some of the most favored food of viruses, which are behind many chronic illnesses and symptoms, including autoimmune diseases.


When consumed within 24 hours of each other, barley grass juice powder, spirulina, cilantro, wild blueberries, and Atlantic dulse provide the most effective method on the planet of removing heavy metals. These foods each have their singular strengths, performing slightly different roles in the detoxification process.


During the removal process, metals can get “dropped” or dispersed back into the organs, at which point another member of the team will swoop in, grab the metal, and continue the journey toward the finish line. I call this “pass the football.” On its own, each individual player isn’t 100 percent effective; as a team, they are your anti–heavy metal secret weapon!


Important For Any Chronic Illness & Symptom


Spirulina is an important supplement for anyone with any chronic illness or symptom, or for anyone who wishes to help prevent illness or symptoms in the future. As shared in Medical Medium, Thyroid Healing and Liver Rescue, spirulina:


Helps restore brain tissue and rebuilds the central nervous system


Helps stabilize glucose levels in the blood


Provides critical micronutrients for the thyroid and to bolster the endocrine system


Removes not only heavy metals but also other toxins from the liver, intestinal tract, brain, nervous system and thyroid


Helps grow fresh neurons and strengthen neurotransmitters


Contains high levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and chromium, which reinforce adrenal strength


Help to remove radioactive iodine from the thyroid over time, bringing what’s left of the gland back to life in a balanced manner


Contains iodine that’s very effective at acting as an antiseptic against Epstein-Barr virus (the cause of thyroid problems) cells in the thyroid


Can reduce the growth of nodules, tumors, and cysts (both cancerous and benign)

Stops viral and bacterial growth inside the liver


Strengthens the liver’s immune system, and helps in its over 2,000 chemical functions


Aids the liver’s glucose storage and protein conversions


An Athlete’s Best Friend


Spirulina increases stamina levels in athletes and its rich nutrient content and bioavailable protein content helps build muscle mass. It can curb hunger that may develop during demanding training routines, helping to maintain an athlete’s ideal body weight.


Other Potential Benefits: Promotes healthy eyes, great for anti-aging, helps protect against infection, great for digestive health, increases absorption of nutrients from food, eliminates mercury and other deadly toxins commonly inside the body, helps prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, and more.


Healing Tip: High-quality spirulina is the best protein powder you can use in morning drinks and smoothies. Try having it in the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie daily for tremendous benefits. It is the easiest to digest and by far the most beneficial out of all the protein powders. It deeply replenishes the body with much needed mineral and micro-nutrients. It’s a whole food vitamin and mineral and protein powder packed into one.


Tasty Tip: Sprinkle over watermelon or add to Thai coconut water.




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