原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2023-10-13 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/21153.html
底部的照片是我最后两次发作的照片。10月份发作是在进行安东尼威廉方法4个月后,直到眼科医生看了,我才知道我的眼睛在发炎。我不再有巩膜炎,而且我的眼睛周围不再有疼痛、模糊或感觉。我的神经痛也消失了,几个月来我的视力一直保持在 1.5,即使在症状发作时也是如此。我的类固醇滴剂剂量已减半,而且我在发作期间使用的激素滴剂量也少了很多。
- 干眼症和油腺堵塞
- 三叉神经痛
- 磨牙、牙齿敏感和蛀牙
- 迷走神经炎症
- 淋巴结痛
- 经期疼痛
- 胃酸反流
- 消化问题
- 脱发
- 脑雾
- 难以表达情绪
- 焦虑
- 情绪波动
- 精疲力尽
第一张照片是 2022 年 10 月拍的,第二张照片是 2023 年 5 月拍的。
在开始安东尼威廉方法之前,两个月内失去所有头发后,我去看了几位“最好”的专家,但没有人给我真正的答案,他们都告诉我,我将不得不面对秃顶的 活。
你可以根据自己情况找到适合自己的节奏。如果你有持续的症状或多种持续症状时,深入了解信息至关重要。对于慢性疾病患者,细节很重要。在疗愈方面,细节很重要 。
- 花时间亲近大自然
- 每天两次,每次1升西芹汁
- 每天1升黄瓜汁
- 大部分时间喝1升荨麻茶
- 90% 时间生食
- 3年无油脂饮食
- 每1-2两小时吃蔬菜和水果的组合支持肾上腺
- 许多轮的高阶369
- 保持休息和睡眠8-10小时
- 单一饮食法
- 吃富含硅的食物
- 每天500克到1斤的绿叶蔬菜
- 坚持脱发的补充剂方案
- 大量的大脑小饮
Repost from@emilyconsadine
It’s been one year since I started applying @medicalmedium info to heal my eye condition, and I’m so excited to be able to share some progress!
For those who don’t know, I have flares of stromal keratitis which is inflammation on the cornea of my right eye. It started a couple months after having a shingles blister on my cornea. I was told I was too young to have this and if left untreated, it could cause scarring/vision loss and was also told I could have it the rest of my life but manageable with steroids. This was hard to hear after just getting over a horrible shingles rash and excruciating neuralgia.
The top pics are what a flare looked like before starting MM. During these flares, I would also have scleritis on the white of my eye which was red/painful. I would have blurry vision, trouble focusing and neuralgia around my eye and on my forehead.
The bottom pics are of my last two flares. The flare in Oct. is after using MM info for 4 months, and I didn’t even know my eye was inflamed until my eye doc looked at it. I no longer have scleritis, and I’m to the point where I have no pain, blurriness or sensations around my eye. My neuralgia is gone, and I’ve had 20/20 vision for several months now even when flaring. The strength of my steroid drops has been cut in half, and I’m using a lot less drops during a flare.
I’m so grateful my eye is healing and for many other symptoms that are improving that I wasn’t initially trying to heal. These have significantly improved and some have been gone for months:
Dry eye & blocked oil gland
Trigeminal neuralgia
Teeth grinding, sensitivity & decay
Vagus nerve inflammation
Sore lymph nodes
Painful periods
Acid reflux
Digestive issues
Hair loss
Brain fog
Trouble expressing emotions
Mood swings
I’m still going through the process, but overall it’s been an amazing experience and has brought me more peace than I’ve ever had in my life.
So thank you @medicalmedium for putting out free information every day to help people heal. It’s truly amazing what you do, and Im so blessed to have found you. Sending much love ❤️
Repost from@healing.alopecia
✨If you’re willing to follow the protocols day after day, being proactive in your healing and make it your lifestyle, then Healing is inevitable and real ✨ @medicalmedium
🫐Medical medium is not about one type of diet, it’s about Health answers
💛The healing process is not just the passive process of waiting for the body to heal. The healing process is the steps you take so your body can heal. Healing is an active combination of your free will, learning the information, your body’s ability to heal on its own, the tools you’re using, what you give your body so it can heal, and the details within it all. Your healing process also depends on what was done in the past.
🌿Medical Medium information is not one size fits all. You can customize what’s right for you and your condition and take your healing as far as it needs to go. It’s endlessly customizable. When you have a symptom that’s not letting up, or multiple persistent symptoms, it’s critical to learn the details. The details matter when you’re chronically sick. The details matter when it comes to healing - AW, Brain saver book 🙌🏼 @medicalmedium
What’s helping me the most is:
•Spending time in nature
•32 oz of celery juice 2x a day
•32 oz of cucumber juice daily
•32 oz of nettle tea most of the days
•Being 90% raw
•Being radical fat free for 3 years
•Grazing and supporting the adrenal glands
•Lots of advanced 369’s
•Resting and sleeping 8-10 hours
•Mono eating: papaya/potato/banana/pea
•Eating foods high in silica
•1-2 pounds of leafy greens per day
•Hair loss supplement protocol - cleanse to heal book plus others supplements
•Lots of Brain saver shots
Also Muneeza’s @muneeza_medical_intuitive guidance was crucial for me to improve my protocol and routine
I work for God. I work for the light and I believe I can heal. The eyes are the reflect of the soul and all I can see through my eyes is light 🕊🤍
It’s been a long tough journey, but after 2.5 years of applying MM, many ups and downs, struggling so bad, I AM FINALLY HEALING and I just want to express to this beautiful community that you are not alone and we will get there, sooner or later. We will heal!
Thank you AW @medicalmedium and SOC for all the work you are doing every single day to put out there the information that is helping us to heal.
I really can’t wait to be totally healed so I can help people to reclaim their health and to recover from ANY chronic illness
Special thanks to my family ❤️ and to my soul sister @wild.blue.berrina that’s has been by my side (crying and laughing together) during this healing journey 🤍
And one more special thanks to @muneeza_medical_intuitive who guided me, gave me the strength, the hope and the faith to keep going deeper and deeper in my healing. No matter what you can heal! She told me this and I would never forget it. You’re a real Angel. 🤍🫶🕊
“Medical experts incorrectly believe alopecia is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles that generate hair growth. The truth is that alopecia is an adrenal issue”. - Anthony William @medicalmedium
The food choices you make can have an incredible impact.
When you want to improve your skin, hair, and nails, become curious about what's going on underneath the surface. Could your liver need support? Have your adrenals been under severe strain? Learning more about underlying issue can help you address the root causes. You can heal your body from the inside out when you know these truths, apply the correct protocol, and have patience. You'll be rewarded with the gift of better health. Reach out for support along your journey, and remember that your body is capable of true healing.
Just like the health of your skin, the health of your hair is largely due to issues deep below the surface.
Adrenaline & Emotional Stress:
Adrenaline from emotional events and life stressors can have a major impact on the health of your hair. When you experience a painful situation or serious hardship, adrenaline floods your system, affecting your liver, skin, and hair. Under stress, your hair may develop a straw-like texture and fall out. These symptoms can occur after a hardship takes place and may continue for a period of time unless you provide your body with the nourishment and support it needs.
A protein-packed hair care product won't give your hair the restoration you hope for. One of the best things you can do is support your adrenals, because their health helps determine the health of your hair. Support your Liver and be proactive at cleansing your body and detoxify from EBV “Epstein bar virus”.
Learn more about adrenal fatigue and ways to nourish your adrenals in Cleanse to heal book from Medical Medium @medicalmedium
When you find yourself impatient and struggling with your symptoms, remember how far you’ve come ✨
After losing all my hair in 2 months I went to several doctors, some of them “the best” and none gave me a real answer, they all told me that I would have to deal with an autoimmune disease called “Alopecia Universalis” all my life.
Immediately after the last diagnosis and the fourth doctor, I found @medicalmedium and knew in my heart that it was the answer...
3.5 years later Here I am, healing alopecia universalis by cleansing and addressing the root cause of my symptoms, healing my liver and adrenal glands ✨🤍
第三本书 关于甲状腺
第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源
第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!