原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2023-08-05 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/20904.html
通过安东尼威廉信息和净化法疗愈青春痘。 真的是太神奇了,因为青春痘在我想要疗愈病症清单列表的最后,因为我病得很重,有其他更严重的症状。我没有关注青春痘,但我依然获得了结果;太神奇了!在短短 8 个月内,它就疗愈了了! 不过在青春痘好转之前,事情确实变得更糟糕,因为我一直在非常努力地净化疗愈,因为我想尽快疗愈。 我想让你们知道你们可以疗愈!!
信任这个惊人的过程,放下生活中各种恐惧、怀疑或消极情绪,然后展翅飞翔!我花了很多年和上万美金试图帮助自己疗愈无尽的病症,我仍在努力改善这些状况,我只是来自病得很重的家庭,出生时就病得很重。所以真诚地谢谢安东尼威廉;没有他我会死,我的一生会有多么悲惨。自杀念头可不是玩笑,生活在极度痛苦中得不到任何支持是难以忍受的。请永远不要放弃。 我们可以变得更好!
当我在 2018 年开始通过安东尼威廉净化法排毒时,疗愈青春痘并不是我的首要目标,但我相信它会疗愈。当时,我有很多严重的神经系统和消化系统问题,这些问题是我疗愈的主要关注点,我已经疗愈了 80% 以上的症状。但我很高兴青春痘问题也得到了解决!有一天我注意到,一切都消失了!👏🏻
我在高中时脸上长了严重的青春痘,我服用了药物,这并不是一个好的选择,但没有任何帮助。当我20 多岁时,我喝了很多酒,吃了很多奶制品、麸质和蛋。我的背部青春痘变得非常严重,从 20 多岁到 30 多岁一直持续。这也是我不敢脱掉上衣的原因,因为我的背部布满青春痘和疤痕,我对自己的皮肤没有完全自信。
我能感觉到我的肝脏在排毒,而且在过去的 5 年里我一直坚持,我获得了深刻的疗愈!这不是一个快速的过程,不会在一夜之间发生奇迹。我知道安东尼威廉的信息是真实的,真相是无法隐瞒的。
从@staceynesbit99 转发
这是 2020 年的我,患有持续了一年多的囊肿性痤疮。医生给我开了药膏和抗生素,并建议我吃药。他们无法告诉我痤疮的根本原因。
你可以疗愈 药片、药丸、乳膏和抗生素无法疗愈您。它们只是暂时的“修复”,只能掩盖症状或状况
青春痘是由超过 50 组链球菌中的一种或多种变体引起的。链球菌可以在肝脏和淋巴系统中,隐藏在那里并保持休眠状态,直到找到一个好的机会:比如当身体处于压力之下或免疫系统降低时发起进攻。当链球菌长期存在时,它们会进入淋巴系统。从身体大量淋巴区域(主要是面部、脸颊、发际线、前额、上胸部)的淋巴管中上浮直至真皮下方。皮肤会对此产生反应,产生皮脂和大量油脂以试图阻止细菌。在链球菌相关感染后(有时很长时间后),链球菌在体内长期安营扎寨时,痤疮(青春痘)就会出现。
更多关于青春痘/ 痤疮的信息,请见:
青春痘(痤疮)的原因和疗愈(更新版) + 实践分享 + 音频版 + 新书疗愈方
Repost from @lyndseyjulia•
Healing acne using @medicalmedium info and tools. This is so cool to see because acne was way down on the list of things I wanted to heal since I am so sick with more debilitating symptoms. I didn’t focus on acne, and this is still my outcome; how amazing!In just 8 months it has healed SO much! It did get much worse before it got better, only because I’ve been pushing the cleansing very hard as I want to get to the other side as quickly as possible. Just wanted you guys to know YOU CAN HEAL!!
Trust the amazing process and let go of all fears and doubts or negativity in your life and fly!I spent years and years and thousands of dollars trying to help myself heal endless conditions which I am still working on with good improvements I just come from a very sick family and was born very ill. So thank you AW sincerely; I would be dead without you with how miserable I have been my entire life. Suicidal thoughts are no joke and living in severe pain with little support is unbearable. Please never give up. It gets better!
If you truly want to feel better whether it’s physically, emotionally, spiritually; you can get there. I’m helping spread #medicalmedium info to all my patients I see for physical therapy. I will never stop this lifestyle and I will ALWAYS cite back this info and credit Anthony William and SOC. This info is unique; if doesn’t come from anywhere else. And the details MATTER!!!
Repost from @Cacey.Scott
When I began detoxing with the @medicalmedium info in 2018, healing my acne wasn’t my main priority but I was confident it was going to heal
At the time, I had a lot of severe neurological and digestive issues that took my main focus for healing which I’ve healed over 80 percent of those symptoms
Buttt I was sooo HAPPY that my acne was getting better as well!
Then I noticed one day, it was ALL GONE!
I had terrible face acne in high school that I took Acutane (not a good choice) for and it did nothing to help
As I moved into my 20s, I was drinking lots of alcohol and eating lots of dairy, gluten, & eggs
My back acne got real bad and I had it throughout my entire 20s going into my 30s when I got sick
It’s something I struggled with being able to take my Shirt off & not feel fully confident in my skin because my back was full of acne and scars
I had so many symptoms, that after reading the @medicalmedium books I decided my main focus was to detoxify my liver to heal everything
So I removed all troublemaker foods, significantly lowered my fats, and based my everyday diet off the @medicalmedium 28 day cleanse from his first book while incorporating lots of celery juice, wild blueberries, melons, apples, spinach, dandelion greens, potatoes, & sweets potatoes all from his “Life Changing Foods” book
I could feel my liver detoxifying and I stayed consistent with the detox for the last 5 years which gave me profound results!
It wasn’t a quick process but nothing long lasting & magical happens over night
I can sense a lot of fear around this plot to take down @medicalmedium & his info but I am not fearful one bit
Because I know this info is pure TRUTH and the truth cannot be hidden
There’s too much light coming onto the planet which is why the darkness is being EXPOSED
Do not live in fear because this info is protected by the light and millions of people are healing with it including myself
I will talk about this healing information until the day I die because it gave me answers and healed me when nothing else could!
The best thing we can do is share this info and how it has helped us!
Thanks @medicalmedium I am forever grateful!
Repost from @staceynesbit99
This was me back in 2020 suffering with cystic acne that persisted for just over a year. The doctors gave me creams, antibiotics and advised I should take the pill. They could not tell me the root cause of my acne.
I could hardly look my own friends and family in the eye because I was too embarrassed and ashamed of how I looked.
It wasn’t until I had almost given up looking for answers that I came across the “Liver Rescue” book by Anthony William and all the @medicalmedium books to follow. I cannot begin to thank him enough for what he has done for me. Beyond just healing my acne. I will continue to share the message @medicalmedium
I cut out the harmful foods from my diet, EGGS GLUTEN & DAIRY which funnily enough I was actually told to eat to heal my acne. How wrong that was!
You can heal Tablets, pills, creams and antibiotics are not going to heal you. They are only temporary ‘fixes’ that only MASK a symptom or condition
We must fuel our body with the real healing tools it needs, provided to us by Mother Nature
FRUIT is healing
VEGETABLESare healing
HONEY is healing
HERBS are healing
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!