疗愈故事(83)-结肠炎 Healing Story-Colitis

 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-06-24 原文
我在 2013 年被诊断出患有溃疡性结肠炎。我一直因为这个诊断而挣扎,我只有 28 岁,我读到的关于结肠炎的内容并不是很有希望。我当时的消化科医生说,这种疾病与我吃的食物无关,而是因为我的身体在自我攻击有。他说:“结肠镜检查后你去吃个汉堡,并确保每天吃你的处方药(每天 9 片)”。
我已经这样走了很多年,直到 2016 年的一个美好的一天,我看到了安东尼威廉的第一本书,我的生活永远改变了。读完这本书(其中包含关于带状疱疹病毒以及它如何引起结肠炎的关键章节)后,我知道这是事实。我全身都感觉到了。我流下了幸福的眼泪,因为我无法相信我找到了疗愈疾病的答案。
在开始实践安东尼威廉信息的五年中,我一直在怀孕或哺乳,这对我的身体造成了压力。我经常觉得我的疗愈没有取得任何进展。我一直觉得不舒服,但我继续前进,每天前进一小步。当我在 2019 年冬天怀上我的第二个孩子时,我完全投入于实践,并每天过着安东尼威廉饮食方式的生活。
2020 年,我开始了369净化疗愈法,包括多次高阶369净化疗愈法。到 2020 年秋季,我完全没有溃疡性结肠炎的症状了。我的身体终于感觉痊愈了。






As I look back and remember what it took to heal my chronic disease I feel mixed emotions. The journey was not easy; it was long, full of self-doubt and failure. But I've learned a lot along the way. I've learned how to be patient, how to listen to my body, how to trust in the process of my body's healing and how to trust in the information from the Spirit of Compassion.
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2013. I've struggled with this diagnosis because I was only 28 and things I've read about colitis so far were not very promising. My gastroenterologist at the time said this disease has nothing to do with the food I eat and everything to do with my body attacking itself. "Go have a burger after the colonoscopy" he said, "and make sure to never skip a dose of your (9 pills a day) prescription".
It didn't sit right with me. I knew deep down inside I was not meant to be sick. It's the knowing that kept me going. I've tried many different diets, supplements, I've read many different books on gut health. I even made my own homemade yogurt along the way . And, of course, the pharmaceuticals I was prescribed did nothing for me, except caused my skin to break out. 
I was constantly in flare ups and feeling miserable. My belly would hurt after eating just about everything. The non stop bleeding, diarrhea, urgency, pain, discomfort were mentally and physically draining. I was a young woman stuck in a sick body. I always had to know where the closest bathroom is and have a change of clothes with me just in case I won't make it to that bathroom in time. The fun of vacations, restaurant outings and concerts were always dimmed by my disease. 
I've gone like this for years until one beautiful day in 2016 I came across Anthony Willam's first book: Medical Medium, and my life changed forever. After reading the book, which included a key chapter about the shingles virus and about how that particular virus causes colitis, I knew it was the truth. I felt it with my whole body. I've cried happy tears because I couldn't believe I found the answer to healing my disease. 
I got right to work. I slowly started implementing Medical Medium's healing protocols; lemon water in the morning followed by celery juice, slowly eliminated "no foods" and bringing in more healing foods. I started adding Medical Medium recommended supplements. It wasn't easy at first. It took time for me to rethink food and start making different choices. As the years went by I read other books written by him: Life Changing Foods, Liver Rescue, Celery Juice and Cleanse To Heal. 
In the 5 years since finding out his information, I was always either pregnant or breast feeding which took a toll on my body. I often felt like I wasn't making any progress in my healing. I felt sick all the time but I kept going, one day at a time. By the time I got pregnant with my second child in the winter of 2019 I was fully committed to implementing Medical Medium Protocols and living this lifestyle every day. 
In 2020 I added Medical Medium 3:6:9 Cleanses to my toolbox, including 3:6:9 Advanced numerous times. By fall 2020 I was completely symptom free with ulcerative colitis. My body finally felt healed. 
Along the way, without even realizing at that time, I've healed tension headaches, jaw pain, TMJ, skin issues, restless legs syndrome, heart palpitations, cold sores and frequent UTIs, BVs and yeast infections. I am a different person than I was before healing. I know the power of my own body when given the right tools to heal. I've gained so much wisdom, energy and clarity of mind. I've gained knowledge I can pass on to my children and empowerment I am passing to my clients.



疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
