疗愈故事(73)- 为什么疗愈是一场回归之旅 Healing Stories (73)-Faith & Surrender


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-04-08 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/8149.html


5. 不要给自己定义疗愈时间线
















6. 为什么疗愈是一场回归之旅


外观 - 随着我们的身体开始净化,身体会发生变化,我们可能看起来比以前更糟,我们会意识到别人怎么想/怎么说。我个人体重轻了很多,虽然我看到其他实践者体重是增加的,这令人沮丧。但这是因为我的肝脏需净化疗愈。

症状 - 我们感觉比以前更糟,这归结为多种因素,我在之前的“疗愈反应与症状爆发”一贴中进行了解释。这是由于本身病症爆发周期、威胁健康的食物、高脂肪、化学物接触、过量肾上腺素或病原体死亡等各种原因导致的,这是净化疗愈的一部分。这些症状有时很难应付,因此我们应该以身体可以承受的速度前进。


比较 - 我们看到每个人都过着有趣和充满爱的生活,无论是本人还是在社交媒体上,例如假期、聚会、外出就餐、庆祝活动等,这可能让生病的我们觉得自己错过了什么,并变得孤单。你可能开始讨厌自己的生活,希望你是别人。有些人可能会失去朋友。当我们内心深处感觉很糟糕时,我们假装在别人面前表现得很好,无论是身体上还是情感上。没有人了解我们正在经历什么,既不了解疾病也不了解我们的疗愈之路。但我们必须对疗愈保持耐心。

沮丧—— 需要面对我们的疾病,不知道需要多长时间才能疗愈,也不知道你一生中要牺牲什么才能到达那里。我们的情绪起伏波动;我们必须学会每一天都专注于美好的事物。需要花费很多精力保持。我发现安东尼威廉给出的冥想有帮助。




脑雾- 随着有毒重金属从身体中离开,我们可能会经历更多的记忆问题、困惑、迷失感、不知道自己是谁。当我们长时间经历如此多的情绪时,可能非常具有挑战性。我提醒自己我在净化,在疗愈。





6. 信心











8. 放下恐惧













Struggling with chronic illness is a time in our lives that changes us forever. For me, I feel I’m becoming a different person with a completely new perspective on life that’s still developing as I heal. 


I see @medicalmedium posts of people who have healed from debilitating illnesses and sometimes wonder, when will I be one of them? When will this be over for me? At the same time it fills me with the hope I need, that I will heal, as I know they went through their own struggles.


At some point, I learned to let go of things I couldn’t control like having a timeline for my healing. Everyone’s situation is different, our symptoms, viral load, toxicity levels, and exposure to other toxins, so of course our healing journeys will differ.


I soon realised, these negative thoughts were due to a fear of missing out on life and worrying about my future. This is my ego’s attempt at disempowering me, putting doubts in my head and losing trust. 


I switch the narrative and tell myself I’m right where I need to be and that I’m going through this for the spiritual growth I need, to live a more fulfilling life for the future. I affirm to myself that I will fully heal, because I am healing, there’s no doubt about that. 


Don’t put yourself in others shoes for anything in life, you have your own path to follow, let it unfold the way it’s supposed to and let the powers that be, continue to guide you. Good things are coming, take it slow, one day at a time and give yourself the compassion you deserve. I fill my day with healing foods, inspiring others, creativity, prayer, meditation and connecting with nature. 


We are all loved by someone, we are all worthy of living, we’re all here to help one another and to spread joy in this world. Whatever worries you have right now, let it go and replace those thoughts with the things you do have and are grateful for. Life is always going to be unpredictable, that’s how it’s designed to be, so go with the flow and trust that everything will work out. 


Nature doesn’t hurry, yet everything is accomplished

In the early days, I often came across posts where people on @medicalmedium would say, how the healing journey isn’t for the faint of heart. I never quite understood why it would be so challenging, so I want to share my healing journey experience.

APPEARANCE - It changes as our body starts to cleanse and we become conscious of what others will think/say, as we may look worse than before. I've personally lost a lot of weight but have read how others have put on weight, which can be so disheartening. It comes down to how the liver needs to cleanse/heal.

SYMPTOMS - We can feel worse than before, which is down to a number of factors, all explained in my ‘Healing Reactions vs Flares’ highlight on my profile page. It could be due to flare cycles, troublemaker foods, high fat, chemical exposure, toxic adrenaline or pathogen die-off which is part of cleansing. It’s hard to cope with these symptoms, hence why we should go at a pace that our bodies can handle. 

CRAVINGS - We see/smell unhealthy foods that we know, will only take us backwards with healing, but the cravings can be so intense, as toxins/adrenaline releases during cleansing. 

COMPARING - We see everyone having fun and loving life, either in person or on social media e.g. holidays, parties, eating out, celebrations, etc. which can make us feel like we’re missing out and alone. You start to hate your life and wish you were someone else. Some may lose friends. We have to fake being well in front of others when deep inside we're feeling awful, physically and emotionally. No one understands what we're going through; this illness nor our healing protocols. We have to remain patient with healing and wait till our time comes.

FRUSTRATION - With having to cope with our illness, not knowing how long it will take to heal or what else you’ll have to sacrifice in your life to get there. Our emotions go on a rollercoaster ride; we have to learn to stay focused on the good things, all day, every day. It takes a lot of effort to maintain. I’ve found the MM meditations help.

FEARS - We fear for our future, about working, earning an income, growing a family, supporting loved ones, progressing in life, losing people

We fear whether we'll ever heal, how much we'll heal, how long it'll take, sitting within four walls for years, or being highly dependent on our partner for what feels like a lifetime. Staying present and letting go is key here.


PROTOCOLS - We stress about whether we're taking the right supplements, on the right protocol, too much or too little, eating more of a certain food, whether we need something else as our symptoms change whilst healing. Healing really isn’t linear. This is where an MM health coach can provide guidance.


BRAIN FOG - As toxic heavy metals are cleansed from our bodies, we may go through an increase of memory issues, confusion, feeling lost, not knowing who we are anymore. This can be very challenging as we go through so many emotions for a long period of time. I remind myself I am cleansing; healing.


IDENTITY - We've changed so much during this healing journey, everything you had or did, can no longer be part of your identity. Our meaning of life goes to a deeper level, our faith changes and we become more spiritual. 


This journey is by no means easy, for most of us it's the hardest thing we've ever done. We'll all go through similar but unique experiences, but knowing that we're not the only ones, thinking or feeling this way, makes us feel less alone. 


Even though there’s a lot to juggle, it’s important to keep going and to never give up. You have so much to give in this world, which will become apparent later in your journey; there's a reason you're here. We all mean something to someone. The more you're suffering, the greater your purpose. 


We have the support in this community, we have each other, we have MM information to get us through it. We will heal, we will survive, we will thrive at life, filled with nothing but compassion, as we take this invisible path back to our true selves. We’re healing everyday, we may not see it nor feel it but it’s happening. Trust it, believe it and surrender to the journey ?

When we go through tough times in our life, we automatically think the worse after the initial shock of it all. Whether it's being diagnosed with an illness, someone you love is seriously ill or injured, you lose your job or you lose someone close to you, etc. 


That's when we suddenly start thinking... "My life is over, I'll lose my friends and family, I'll never be successful, I'll never be happy, I'll never get to do the things I once loved and progress in life". 


Our minds spiral out of control and we begin to think the worst thoughts. You may be told to think positive, but somehow that doesn't always help change your way of thinking.


My chronic illness has taught me to have faith, faith that I will heal. The universe/higher power has strange ways of communicating with us, they continue to send us signs, to take a different route in order to get back onto the right path.


Mentally, I take a moment and get rid of all the distractions, all the obligations in my life and sit down and really listen to what my intuition/guidance from above, is trying to tell me. Once I paid attention to the signs and followed through with them, I began to build my faith.


It grows stronger, the more you believe in it and the more you realise it. It lead me to changing my lifestyle & diet and finally feeling improvements with my illness, something that I, nor doctors, ever believed was possible.


The next time you go through something traumatic and scary, remind yourself that the universe has your back and everything happens for a reason, absolutely everything. It happens, either to bring us joy and happiness or to teach us something we need to learn in order to fulfil our purpose in life.


Have a little faith in yourself and the higher power, even though we can't see it, it's always there when you need it the most. Who knows, maybe this post is a sign for you. 

Life can be so sporadic; one day we're fine, then the next, a traumatic event occurs that changes our life forever; whether it's the loss of a loved one, a chronic illness or we're going through a tough time with work or relationships.


I never thought I'd be someone who would become chronically ill, no one ever does. But one thing I've learned through my experience is the importance of letting go. By that I mean, letting go of our fears and the hypothetical negative thoughts about our future which our mind creates. If we allow them to take over, it will only lead to more sadness, anger and frustration with our circumstance. 


It's always during the tough times in life when we start to seek support from above and pray for divine intervention.


Sometimes it's hard to know when or even if we’re being guided as things can appear as a coincidence. But remember this; things that happen in our life, are happening for a specific reason, no matter how bad it may seem at the time. Sadly, bad things happen in life where darkness can play a role, but we must learn to rise above it and bring in more light. Otherwise we'll fall deeper into that hole.


Chronic illness can be a lonely place, full of pain and suffering that no one can comprehend, unless you've been there. It can be an ongoing psychological battle. Once we start to let go of all those toxic thoughts, we allow ourselves to have an element of peace and an opportunity for our bodies to heal. We learn to care for ourselves as if we were a child.


When our behaviours and decisions are from a place of compassion and kindness, towards oneself and others, it will always lead us the right way, no matter what the outcome. In the long term, it will all start to make sense.


Everything will work out in the end, if we just learn to trust ourselves and let go of what doesn't serve us. It may seem illogical at the time, but if we continue to follow our gut and keep the fears away, it will lead us towards the light at the end of the tunnel.


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!

