疗愈故事(52)- 面对周围质疑的声音 Healing Stories (52) -Exercise Our Free Will



原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-09-17原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4880.html



English Text is further down















当我们分享自己或家人的病痛,并指出这并不应该是常态时,甚至当我们分享超越现在医学了解的疗愈信息时,我们会遭到怀疑和反对的声音的冲击。这通常来自于并没有经历疾病痛苦的人。在生活中怀疑和反对声音许多时候是我们正在做正确的事情的强力证明。这意味着我们正在有所作为,激发了周围人的各种反对和不赞成。 请永远记住,我们投入疗愈的努力是深刻而有力的,因为这对于所有需要这些疗愈信息的人都非常重要。这些疗愈信息充满了希望和鼓舞。你的疗愈故事在强有力地告诉他人,痛苦是有出路的,当他们给予身体所需的东西时,他们一样也可以疗愈。当你鼓舞人们为自己的健康自由而奋斗并疗愈时,在灵性层面上,这是真正改变人们的生活的巨大努力,让所有人看到光明,了解自己的身体并不会攻击自己,他们也不是坏人,他们值得被疗愈、变得更好。因此,你分享的关于自己的疗愈故事会超越所有那些没有同情心或不关心其他人挣扎的人的噪音。你现在是世界的改变者,会有沉默寡言的听众在挣扎中找到你,并把你的话铭记在心。他们会认真对待你的建议和信息,并将其应用在生活中,从而得以疗愈重生。我们都在一起努力,请牢记这一点。



Repost from @_amberlynnstone

I am so grateful I found @medicalmedium information when I did.

It started years ago when I prayed to God to heal my perioral dermatitis and found the first book Medical Medium Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal soon after. It is such a huge relief to not have to search and surf through the bs health information, to know that I finally found answers and they are all here in one place. Except I ended up learning not only were all the answers here for health.. but they were also here for emotional, mental, spiritual healing as well… all the tools are here for the body heart spirit and soul ?? and actually when you heal your body you heal the soul in the deepest way. It still blows my mind when I think about how this book started to rapidly transform not only me but my life.

It hasn’t been an easy path. When I started I lived with parents who tried to instill fear in me telling me I was going to die from detoxing too much and were constantly criticizing my lifestyle and choices. I continued anyways, and I am so glad I did… We can’t live our lives for other people based on what they approve of and think we should do. That is control and I don’t know about you but no thanks.

We have free will and get to exercise it in the choices we make. Choose yourself. Choose to do the hard things you know are right even when the world around you is trying to convince you to do otherwise. Let your healing speak for itself. Your testimony is PROOF of the truth you are healing through ?? and that can’t be taken when the truth is your foundation. More and more the world will put pressure on everyone to obey and bow down. Don’t bow and give up your freedom. It is the most precious gift that you have and it comes through your healing. Don’t let anyone convince you to give that up. We gotta fight for it a little bit. Temporary comfort is futile when we can be liberated to the core when we heal with @medicalmedium ❤️


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!

